Technical Aspects of the Death Penalty

Posted: May 10, 2015 by Nazim in Criminal Procedure, Punishment

Brett and Nazim discuss the technical side of the death penalty, including how it is administered, the jury requirements and why Nazim thinks it costs too much.  The cases, Kansas v. Carr and Brumfield v. Cain, help show how the death penalty comes before the Court and also that Court officials administering the death penalty make the same dumb mistakes at work that we all do. Libsyn link

Internet-enhanced annotations (we do not endorse these):

The lethal injection room at San Quentin State Prison, completed in 2010.

The lethal injection room at San Quentin State Prison, completed in 2010. Source: flickr.

  1. nazguide says:

    My numbers for the cost of incarceration were somewhat off-the-mark. The average cost of housing an inmate for a year in a state prison, according to this source, is $31,286. But prices vary state to state, from $60,076 a year in New York to $14,603 a year in Kentucky. More details in the reposts linked at the bottom of the linked page:


  2. nazguide says:

    And time in a federal penitentiary is provided by the taxpayers to the tune of $26,359 per inmate per year, on average, in 2012. Here’s some breakdown (pdf warning):

    Click to access fy12_per_capita_costs.pdf


  3. […] A prior episode was about how one gets to a death sentence. […]


  4. […] addition to discussing the decisions in Ohio v Clark, Brumfield v. Cain, and Walker v. Sons of Confederate Veterans, Brett and Nazim discuss (1) which case would be worse […]


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